Super-Novae supports the economic resilience of those who are most in need, including in areas of conflict, crisis, war and/or natural disasters.  
We combine traditional approaches to development, such as vocational training and support for entrepreneurship, with disruptive approaches through Sport and Art.
The development that we seek to promote is based on two fundamental pillars:
The multiplication of economic opportunities
Super-Novae therefore works to support the economic integration of men and women in particularly vulnerable situations, such as young people, including young former-combatants, foreign workers, female household heads of large families, or women who have a disability or who are victims of violence; or illegal migrant workers.
The prevention of social marginalization.
At Super-Novae, we believe that every individual has the right to a dignified life, including in countries affected by conflicts, crises and/or natural disasters, and the most fragile settings.
We also believe that social marginalization must be prevented, so that everyone can access autonomy.
Super-Novae’s ETTIHAD project is an example of our approach combining vocational and entrepreneurial training, individual coaching, psychological support and art therapy in support of 100 women in Gaza.
Super-Novae is providing financial and technical support to the Tadawul Financial Group in Libya for the creation and development of the Innovation Garden, Incubator and Accelerator, a socialization and innovation space in Tripoli.
In order to promote a more relevant, inclusive and sustainable development model, Super-Novae puts local actors at the heart of all of our programmes.  We believe that empowering our partners and supporting the development of their professional skills is essential for the longer-term provision of quality services in local communities.

In this way, we work with those who are passionate about change, providing them with tailored capacity-building to enable them to implement their own projects to the highest international standards, increase visibility of their results, and raise funds.

Helping vocational training actors to diversify their services and develop essential tools to help prevent labour market exclusion, such as coaching, inclusive communication, etc.
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Strengthening the local innovation ecosystem: supporting incubators and accelerators in developing attractive and efficient programmes to support future entrepreneurs.
Listen to our podcast with Najla Almissalati, Manager of Innovation Garden, an incubator created by the Tadawul Financial Group with the support of Super-Novae
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Supporting private investors for networking and skills-building, to strengthen their own investment in young entrepreneurs.
Supporting banks to create products for young entrepreneurs.
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Sport and Art
Taking part in sport is a great way to develop socio-professional skills such as team management, communication, leadership, hard work and self-sacrifice. Artistic activities foster innovation and creativity.
Both sport and art are beneficial to psychological well-being. Super-Novae integrates both sporting and art activities throughout our work.
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